BRAF is a member of the RAF family that is activated by members of the Ras family upon growth factor-induced stimulation. Protein Ras can induce heterodimerization of cRaf and BRAF and this may explain the observed cooperativity of cRaf and BRAF in cells responding to growth factor signals (1). Activating mutations in the BRAF gene are present in a large percentage of human malignant melanomas and in a proportion of colon cancers. The vast majority of these mutations result in a valine to glutamic acid change at residue 599 within the activation segment of BRAF (2).
Gene Aliases:
BRAF1, RAFB1, B-raf, B-raf 1, MGC126806, MGC138284
Genbank Number:
1. Weber, C K. et al: Protein Ras induces heterodimerization of cRaf and BRaf. Cancer Res. 2001 May 1;61(9):3595-8.2. Mercer, K E. et al: Raf proteins and cancer: B-Raf is identified as a mutational target. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2003 Jun 5;1653(1):25-40.